
Strawberry comes with a built-in DataLoader, a generic utility that can be used to reduce the number of requests to databases or third party APIs by batching and caching requests.

📝 Note

DataLoaders provide an async API, so they only work in async context

Refer the official DataLoaders specification for an advanced guide on DataLoaders.

Basic usage

Here's how you'd use a DataLoader, first we need to define a function that allows to fetch data in batches. Let's say that we have a user type, that has only an id:

import strawberry
class User:
id: strawberry.ID

we need to define a function that returns a list of users based on a list of keys passed:

from typing import List
async def load_users(keys: List[int]) -> List[User]:
return [User(id=key) for key in keys]

Normally this function would interact with a database or 3rd party API, but for our example we don't need that.

Now that we have a loader function, we can define a DataLoader and use it:

from strawberry.dataloader import DataLoader
loader = DataLoader(load_fn=load_users)
user = await loader.load(1)

This will result in a call to load_users with keys equal to [1]. Where this becomes really powerful is when you make multiple requests, like in this example:

import asyncio
[user_a, user_b] = await asyncio.gather(loader.load(1), loader.load(2))

This will result in a call to load_users with keys equal to [1, 2]. Thus reducing the number of calls to our database or 3rd party services to 1.

Additionally by default DataLoader caches the loads, so for example the following code:

await loader.load(1)
await loader.load(1)

Will result in only one call to load_users.

And finally sometimes we'll want to load more than one key at a time. In those cases we can use the load_many method.

[user_a, user_b, user_c] = await loader.load_many([1, 2, 3])


An error associated with a particular key can be indicated by including an exception value in the corresponding position in the returned list. This exception will be thrown by the load call for that key. With the same User class from above:

from typing import List, Union
from strawberry.dataloader import DataLoader
users_database = {
1: User(id=1),
2: User(id=2),
async def load_users(keys: List[int]) -> List[Union[User, ValueError]]:
def lookup(key: int) -> Union[User, ValueError]:
if user := users_database.get(key):
return user
return ValueError("not found")
return [lookup(key) for key in keys]
loader = DataLoader(load_fn=load_users)

For this loader, calls like await loader.load(1) will return User(id=1), while await loader.load(3) will raise ValueError("not found").

It's important that the load_users function returns exception values within the list for each incorrect key. A call with keys == [1, 3] returns [User(id=1), ValueError("not found")], and doesn't raise the ValueError directly. If the load_users function raises an exception, even loads with an otherwise valid key, like await loader.load(1), will raise that exception.

Overriding Cache Key

By default, the input is used as cache key. In the above examples, the cache key is always a scalar (int, float, string, etc.) and uniquely resolves the data for the input.

In practical applications there are situations where it requires combination of fields to uniquely identify the data. By providing cache_key_fn argument to the DataLoader the behaviour of generating key is changed. It is also useful when objects are keys and two objects should be considered equivalent. The function definition takes an input parameter and returns a Hashable type.

from typing import List, Union
from strawberry.dataloader import DataLoader
class User:
def __init__(self, custom_id: int, name: str): int = custom_id str = name
async def loader_fn(keys):
return keys
def custom_cache_key(key):
loader = DataLoader(load_fn=loader_fn, cache_key_fn=custom_cache_key)
data1 = await loader.load(User(1, "Nick"))
data2 = await loader.load(User(1, "Nick"))
assert data1 == data2 #returns true

loader.load(User(1, "Nick")) will call custom_cache_key internally, passing the object as parameter to the function which will return as key that is 1. The second call will check the cache for the key returned by custom_cache_key and will return the cache object from the loader cache.

The implementation relies on users to handle conflicts while generating the cache key. In case of conflict the data will be overriden for the key.

Cache invalidation

By default DataLoaders use an internal cache. It is great for performance, however it can cause problems when the data is modified (i.e., a mutation), as the cached data is no longer be valid! 😮

To fix it, you can explicitly invalidate the data in the cache, using one of these ways:

  • Specifying a key with loader.clear(id),
  • Specifying several keys with loader.clear_many([id1, id2, id3, ...]),
  • Invalidating the whole cache with loader.clear_all()

Importing data into cache

While dataloaders are powerful and efficient, they do not support complex queries.

If your app needs them, you'll probably mix dataloaders and direct database calls.

In these scenarios, it is useful to import the data retrieved externally into the dataloader, in order to avoid reloading data afterwards.

For example:

class Person:
id: strawberry.ID
friends_ids: strawberry.Private[List[strawberry.ID]]
async def friends(self) -> List[Person]:
return await loader.load_many(self.friends_ids)
class Query:
async def get_all_people(self) -> List[User]:
# Fetch all people from the database, without going through the dataloader abstraction
people = await database.get_all_people()
# Insert the people we fetched in the dataloader cache
# Since "all people" are now in the cache, accessing `Person.friends` will not
# trigger any extra database access
loader.prime_many({ person for person in people})
return people
getAllPeople {
friends {

Custom Cache

DataLoader's default cache is per-request and it caches data in memory. This strategy might not be optimal or safe for all use cases. For example, if you are using DataLoader in a distributed environment, you might want to use a distributed cache. DataLoader let you override the custom caching logic, which can get data from other persistent caches (e.g Redis)

DataLoader provides an argument cache_map. It takes an instance of a class which implements an abstract interface AbstractCache. The interface methods are get, set, delete and clear

The cache_map parameter overrides the cache_key_fn if both arguments are provided.

from typing import List, Union, Any, Optional
import strawberry
from strawberry.types import Info
from strawberry.asgi import GraphQL
from strawberry.dataloader import DataLoader, AbstractCache
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from starlette.responses import Response
class UserCache(AbstractCache):
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {}
def get(self, key: Any) -> Union[Any, None]:
return self.cache.get(key) # fetch data from persistent cache
def set(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None:
self.cache[key] = value # store data in the cache
def delete(self, key: Any) -> None:
del self.cache[key] # delete key from the cache
def clear(self) -> None:
self.cache.clear() # clear the cache
class User:
id: strawberry.ID
name: str
async def load_users(keys) -> List[User]:
return [User(id=key, name="Jane Doe") for key in keys]
class MyGraphQL(GraphQL):
async def get_context(self, request: Union[Request, WebSocket], response: Optional[Response]) -> Any:
return {
"user_loader": DataLoader(
class Query:
async def get_user(self, info: Info, id: strawberry.ID) -> User:
return await info.context["user_loader"].load(id)
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)
app = MyGraphQL(schema, graphiql=True)

Usage with GraphQL

Let's see an example of how you can use DataLoaders with GraphQL:

from typing import List
from strawberry.dataloader import DataLoader
import strawberry
class User:
id: strawberry.ID
async def load_users(keys) -> List[User]:
return [User(id=key) for key in keys]
loader = DataLoader(load_fn=load_users)
class Query:
async def get_user(self, id: strawberry.ID) -> User:
return await loader.load(id)
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

Here we have defined the same loader as before, along side with a GraphQL query that allows to fetch a single user by id.

We can use this query by doing the following request:

first: getUser(id: 1) {
second: getUser(id: 2) {
"data": {
"first": {
"id": 1
"second": {
"id": 2

Even if this query is fetching two users, it still results in one call to load_users.

Usage with context

As you have seen in the code above, the dataloader is instantiated outside the resolver, since we need to share it between multiple resolvers or even between multiple resolver calls. However this is a not a recommended pattern when using your schema inside a server because the dataloader will cache results for as long as the server is running.

Instead a common pattern is to create the dataloader when creating the GraphQL context so that it only caches results with a single request. Let's see an example of this using our ASGI view:

from typing import List, Union, Any, Optional
import strawberry
from strawberry.types import Info
from strawberry.asgi import GraphQL
from strawberry.dataloader import DataLoader
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket
from starlette.responses import Response
class User:
id: strawberry.ID
async def load_users(keys) -> List[User]:
return [User(id=key) for key in keys]
class MyGraphQL(GraphQL):
async def get_context(self, request: Union[Request, WebSocket], response: Optional[Response]) -> Any:
return {
"user_loader": DataLoader(load_fn=load_users)
class Query:
async def get_user(self, info: Info, id: strawberry.ID) -> User:
return await info.context["user_loader"].load(id)
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)
app = MyGraphQL(schema)

You can now run the example above with any ASGI server, you can read ASGI) to get more details on how to run the app. In case you choose uvicorn you can install it wih

pip install uvicorn

and then, assuming we named our file above we start the app with

uvicorn schema:app

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