
This extension adds a validator to limit the query depth of GraphQL operations.

Usage example:

import strawberry
from strawberry.extensions import QueryDepthLimiter
schema = strawberry.Schema(

API reference:

class QueryDepthLimiter(max_depth, callback=None, should_ignore=None): ...

max_depth: int

The maximum allowed depth for any operation in a GraphQL document.

callback: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, int]], None]

Called each time validation runs. Receives a dictionary which is a map of the depths for each operation.

should_ignore: Optional[Callable[[IgnoreContext], bool]]

Called at each field to determine whether the field should be ignored or not. Must be implemented by the user and returns True if the field should be ignored and False otherwise.

The IgnoreContext class has the following attributes:

  • field_name of type str: the name of the field to be compared against
  • field_args of type strawberry.extensions.query_depth_limiter.FieldArgumentsType: the arguments of the field to be compared against
  • query of type graphql.language.Node: the query string
  • context of type graphql.validation.ValidationContext: the context passed to the query

This argument is injected, regardless of name, by the QueryDepthLimiter class and should not be passed by the user.

Instead, the user should write business logic to determine whether a field should be ignored or not by the attributes of the IgnoreContext class.

Example with field_name:

import strawberry
from strawberry.extensions import QueryDepthLimiter
def should_ignore(ignore: IgnoreContext):
return ignore.field_name == "user"
schema = strawberry.Schema(
QueryDepthLimiter(max_depth=2, should_ignore=should_ignore),
# This query fails
""" query TooDeep { book { author { publishedBooks { title } } } } """
# This query succeeds because the `user` field is ignored
""" query NotTooDeep { user { favouriteBooks { author { publishedBooks { title } } } } } """

Example with field_args:

import strawberry
from strawberry.extensions import QueryDepthLimiter
def should_ignore(ignore: IgnoreContext):
return ignore.field_args.get("name") == "matt"
schema = strawberry.Schema(
QueryDepthLimiter(max_depth=2, should_ignore=should_ignore),
# This query fails
""" query TooDeep { book { author { publishedBooks { title } } } } """
# This query succeeds because the `user` field is ignored
""" query NotTooDeep { user(name:"matt") { favouriteBooks { author { publishedBooks { title } } } } } """

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